The plot of La cambiale di matrimonio, which Rossini composed when he was just eighteen years old, revolves around the farcical attempts of Tobia Mill, a rich English merchant, to combine business with pleasure by forcing his daughter, the lovely Fanny ("the merchandise") to marry Slook, his rich colonial correspondent from America, by means of a bill of exchange. Eventually it is the gallant Slook himself who persuades Mill to allow Fanny to marry her true love, Edoardo Milfort. This Rossini Opera Festival ?EUR" Pesaro production features two well-established singers, Desiree Rancatore and Saimir Pirgu, who are joined by three promising young singers: Fabio Maria Capitanucci, Enrico Maria Marabelli and Maria Gortsevskaya.
Part 1
La Cambiale di Matrimonio (NTSC)
1 Opening credits
2 Overture
3 Non c'e il vecchio sussurrone (Clarina, Norton)
4 Chi mai trova il dritto, il fondo (Mill)
5 Ma, signore, questa lettera (Norton, Mill, Clarina)
6 Tornami a dir che m'ami (Fanny, Edoardo)
7 Si, cara mia, speriam (Edoardo, Fanny, Norton, Mill)
8 Grazie ⦠grazie (Slook, Fanny, Clarina, Edoardo, Mill, Norton)
9 Sicche dunque istruitemi (Slook, Fanny, Mill, Edoardo, Norton)
10 Darei per si bel fondo (Fanny, Slook)
11 Quell'amabile visino (Fanny, Edoardo, Slook)
12 Non si fara (Norton, Clarina)
13 Anch'io son giovane (Clarina)
14 Eccolo appunto (Norton, Slook, Mill)
15 Dite, presto, dove sta questa gran difficolta (Mill, Slook)
16 Venite, sono andati (Clarina, Fanny, Edoardo, Slook)
17 Vorrei spiegarvi il giubilo (Fanny)
18 Eppur lo credo anch'io (Slook, Mill)
19 Portero, portero cosi il cappello (Mill, Slook)
20 Qual ira, oh ciel, v'accende (Fanny, Mill, Clarina, Slook)
21 Vi prego un momento (Edoardo, Mill, Slook, Clarina, Fanny, Norton)
22 End credits