Parsifal is a strange and enigmatic work. At the end of his life, did Wagner wish to celebrate asceticism, which he himself had never practised? Did he fall upon his knees before the Cross, as claimed by Nietzsche? And what does the secret society of knights based on pure blood signify, desperately waiting for the saviour to regenerate it? What is the true nature of the opposition between the worlds of Klingsor and the Grail? What can Parsifal tell us today? In his artistic will and testament, Wagner condenses his moral idea of the world and returns to the roots of love and religion - to the very heart of art according to him.
With the participation of conductor Hartmut Haenchen who is passionately in love with the score, Italian stage director Romeo Castellucci proposes an original reading of this brilliant work and explores the essence of Wagnerian 'Kunstreligion' in a different light.
Part 1
1 Opening Credits
Act I
2 Prelude
3 He! Ho! Waldhuter ihr (Gurnemanz, Second Knight, Second Esquire, First Esquire, Kundry)
4 Recht so! Habt Dank! (Amfortas, Second Knight, Gurnemanz)
5 Nicht Dank! Haha! Was wird es helfen? (Kundry, Third Esquire, Fourth Esquire, Gurnemanz)
6 O wunden-wundenvoller heiliger Speer (Gurnemanz, Third Esquire, First Esquire, Second Esquire)
7 Titurel, der fromme Held (Gurnemanz, The 4 Esquires)
8 Weh'! Weh'! Hoho! Auf! Wer ist der Frevler? (Knights, Esquires, Gurnemanz, Parsifal)
9 Nun sag'! Nichts weisst du, was ich dich frage (Gurnemanz, Parsifal, Kundry)
10 Vom Bade kehrt der Konig heim (Gurnemanz, Parsifal)
11 Change of Scene
12 Nun achte wohl und lass mich sehn (Gurnemanz, Knights of the Grail, Youths, Boys)
13 Mein Sohn Amfortas, bist du am Amt? (Titurel, Amfortas, Boys, Youths, Knights)
14 Enthullet den Gral! (Titurel, Voices, Boys)
15 Wein und Brot des letzten Mahles (Boys, Youths, Knights, Gurnemanz, A Voice, Voices)
Part 2
Act II
1 Prelude
2 Die Zeit ist da (Klingsor)
3 Ach! Ach! Tiefe Nacht! (Kundry, Klingsor)
4 Hier war das Tosen! (Chorus)
5 Komm, komm, holder Knabe! (Chorus, Parsifal)
6 Parsifal! Weile! (Kundry, Parsifal, Chorus)
7 Dies alles hab' ich nun getraumt? (Parsifal, Kundry)
8 Ich sah das Kind (Kundry)
9 Wehe! Wehe! Was tat ich? Wo war ich? (Parsifal, Kundry)
10 Amfortas! Die Wunde! (Parsifal, Kundry)
11 Grausamer! Fuhlst du im Herzen (Kundry, Parsifal)
12 Vergeh', unseliges Weib! (Parsifal, Kundry, Klingsor)
13 Prelude
14 Von dorther kam das Stohnen (Gurnemanz, Kundry)
15 Heil dir, mein Gast! (Gurnemanz)
16 Heil mir, dass ich dich wiederfinde! (Parsifal, Gurnemanz)
17 O Gnade! Hochstes Heil! (Gurnemanz)
18 Nicht so! Die heil'ge Quelle selbst (Gurnemanz, Parsifal)
19 Gesegnet sei, du Reine, durch das Reine! (Gurnemanz, Parsifal)
20 Wie dunkt mich doch die Aue heut' so schon! (Parsifal, Gurnemanz)
21 Mittag. Die Stund' ist da (Gurnemanz)
22 Geleiten wir im bergenden Schrein (Knights)
23 Ja, wehe, wehe! Weh uber mich! (Amfortas, Knights)
24 Nur eine Waffe taugt (Parsifal)
25 End Credits