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NASKE, E.: Stadtchen Drumherum (Das) [Opera] (Vienna State Opera, 2013)

Das Stadtchen Drumherum
Composer: Naske, Elisabeth
Librettist/Text Author: Deken, Johanna von der
Conductor: Praxmarer, Vinzenz
Orchestra: Vienna State Opera Orchestra

Hullewulle: Rathkolb, Lydia
Juliane: Janschutz, Marlene
Julius: Hohener, Jan-Sebastian
Mayor: Unterreiner, Clemens
Old Man / Moon: Hong, Il
Old Woman: Helzel, Ulrike

Set Designer: Chu, Hyun
Costume Designer: Ball, Nina
Stage Director: Lutz, Christiane

Date of Production: 2013
Venue: Vienna State Opera
Playing Time: 01:03:48
Catalogue Number: BVE10141
UPC: 4280000101419

Das Drumherum by Elisabeth Naske is commissioned by the Vienna State Opera based on the eponymous children's book classic by Mira Lobe.

Timeless, cheerful and yet with unobtrusive sincerity, Elisabeth Naske tells a lovable story in the children's opera Das Drumherum.

The mayor wants to expand his city at any cost and plans skyscrapers, shopping malls and business centres. For this purpose, even the forest should be cleared. The children of the city do not want to accept this. Brave and with a lot of imagination, they are committed to preserving nature and its playgrounds.

And then there is the friendly Waldgeist Hullewulle - all together a wonderful solution of the conflict succeeds.

After Mira Lobes's children's book of the same name, which has been popular for generations, a one-hour music theatre work was created, which premiered at the Vienna State Opera with great success.

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