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HINDEMITH, P.: Viola Sonata, Op. 25, No. 4 (Masterclass with Lawrence Power) (Power, Hennino, Plancade)

Viola Sonata, Op. 25, No. 4
Composer: Hindemith, Paul
Power, Lawrence
Plancade, Dominique
Hennino, Lea

Catalogue Number: DAK074-01

The master violist Lawrence Power works with student Lea Hennino in a masterclass at the Italian Institute of Paris on one of the most significant pieces of the viola repertoire: Paul Hindemith's Viola Sonata No. 4, Op. 25. Composed in 1922, the tightly-constructed sonata puts viola and piano in an equal dialogue, conversing in Hindemith's captivating, rhythmically-driven musical language.

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