The Zurich Opera is known for staging works that star singers have always wanted to sing and Paisiello's Nina was evidently a role coveted by Cecilia Bartoli, one of today's most sought-after performers. This opera buffa (with sung and spoken text) has to be the only one where the heroine is mad from the start. It requires a singer of immense vocal and dramatic talent to pull off such a role and Bartoli is phenomenal in this Cesare Lievi production. Laszlo Polgar, Jonas Kaufmann, Juliette Galstian and Angelo Veccia provide an excellent foil for her tour de force. Adam Fischer conducts.
Part 1
Nina (NTSC)
1 Opening Credits / Sinfonia
2 Act I: Dormi, o cara (Giorgia, Susanna, Chorus)
3 Act I: Ma voi ci prometteste (Giorgio, Susanna)
4 Act I: E is fiero il mio tormento (Conte)
5 Act I: Del suo mal non v'affliggete (Giorgio)
6 Act I: Il mio ben, quando verra? (Nina)
7 Act I: Lontana da te, lindoro suo be (Nina, Chorus)
8 Act I: Mia cara, andiamo via di qui! (Nina, Susanna, Conte)
9 Act I: Gia il sol si cela dietro la montagna (Shepherd)
10 Act I: Come oime partir degg'io (Nina, Susanna, Conte, Shepherd)
11 Act II: Per l'amata padroncina (Susanna)
12 Act II: Ah, eccellenza (Giorgio)
13 Act II: Son io desto, oppur deliro! (Lindoro, Conte)
14 Act II: Cantiam, nina cantiamo (Nina, Chorus)
15 Act II: Oh, momento fortunato (Nina, Lindoro)
16 Curtain Call
17 Ending credits