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Vocals: Andrews, Ernie
Guitar: Clement, Addie
Vocals: Clement, Addie
Guitar: Crayton, Pee Wee
Piano: Donegan, Dorothy
Vocals: Galloway, Leata
Guitar: Guy, George Buddy
Vocals: Hopkins, Linda
Vocals: Kelly, Paula
Guitar: King, B. B.
Vocals: King, B. B.
Guitar: McGhee, Brownie
Vocals: McGhee, Brownie
Vocals: Phillips, Esther
Saxophone: Redd, Vi
Saxophone: Vinson, Eddie 'Cleanhead'
Vocals: Vinson, Eddie 'Cleanhead'
Harmonica: Wells, Junior
Vocals: Wells, Junior
Vocals: Williams, Joe
St. Louis Blues
Vocals: Hopkins, Linda
Alto saxophone: Redd, Vi
Vocals: Hopkins, Linda
Alto saxophone: Redd, Vi
Paying the Cost to Be the Boss
Vocals: King, B. B.
How Blue Can You Get
Vocals: King, B. B.
All Over Again
Vocals: King, B. B.
Fine and Mellow
Galloway, Leata
Call It Stormy Monday (But Tuesday Is Just as Bad)
Galloway, Leata
Ernie's Blues
Vocals: Andrews, Ernie
Cleanhead Blues
Alto saxophone: Vinson, Eddie 'Cleanhead'
Born on a Friday
Vocals: Hopkins, Linda
Everyday I Have the Blues
Vocals: King, B. B.
Vocals: Hopkins, Linda
After Hours
Guitar: Crayton, Pee Wee
Piano: Donegan, Dorothy
Guitar: Crayton, Pee Wee
Piano: Donegan, Dorothy
Jammin' the Blues
Guitar: Crayton, Pee Wee
Alto saxophone: Vinson, Eddie 'Cleanhead'
Galloway, Leata
Vocals: Hopkins, Linda
Vocals: Andrews, Ernie
Come Back
Vocals: Williams, Joe
Ain't Nobody's Business
Vocals: Kelly, Paula
Early in the Morning Blues
Vocals: Phillips, Esther
Cherry Red
Vocals: Phillips, Esther
Life Is a Gamble
Vocals: McGhee, Brownie
I Think I Got the Blues
Vocals: Clement, Addie
That's All Right
Harmonica: Wells, Junior
Guitar: Guy, George Buddy
Tell Me Where To Scratch
Vocals: Williams, Joe
Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out
Vocals: Williams, Joe
Vocals: Phillips, Esther

Catalogue Number: QLDVD7179
UPC: 760137717997

Today, America's music does what it has always done - bring people together. In American music every aspect of life, ethnicity and culture is merged, mixed and highlighted. The rich diversity of American culture and life is reflected in its lively beat-filled rhythms. American music is the story of the country, a reflection of a nation alive with change, filled with curiosity and led by hope and excitement.

America's music legacy, be it blues, jazz, country, rock, R&B, or folk, is the songs and artists who have a special power to express what words alone cannot: hopes, fears, dreams, love, hate, anger, pride, aspirations and disappointments. Because songs span the breadth of human experience, they are uniquely able to communicate across time and space the beliefs and ideas held by their composers, performers and listeners.

The blues genre is based on the blues form but possesses other characteristics such as specific lyrics, bass lines and instruments. Blues can be subdivided into several subgenres ranging from country to urban blues that were more or less popular during different periods of the 20th century. Best known are the Delta, Piedmont, jump and Chicago blues styles. World War II marked the transition from acoustic to electric blues and the progressive opening of blues music to a wider audience. In the 1960s and 1970s, a hybrid form called blues rock evolved.

America's Music Legacy showcases the musical legends performing the songs that continue to attract and entice the whole world, because they truly are the best of all that is America.

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