At the beginning of this masterclass, Professor Blacher works on the cadenza and the final section of the movement with the student, regarding issues such as fingerings, shifting, bow speed, phrasing, articulation, expression, contrast, and character. He explains the student how to use the bow and how to practice a specific passage. All the cues are important in a concerto and they must be foreseen and breathed. He mentions what the orchestra is playing in some moments.
The student has to differentiate among dynamics and has to play the trills with accent. Later, they work on the development of the movement in some specific passages. Professor Blacher also talks about vibrato, score accuracy, and harmonic tension. Regarding the technical chapter with exercises, these are focused on standing and placement while playing. It is necessary to exercise them daily, e.g. by working on one position, moving the head and raising it. Afterwards, both the Professor and the student keep working on scales and body movements for comfort and extra control.