VII. Allegro: These pieces are "old dances" and they must sound like folk music, not "pesante". Professor Jaime Martin advises the student to listen to the Tzigane violinist Roby Lakatos and play with a funny and popular character.
VIII. Allegretto: It is advisable to wait a little in the last note, giving a more "Hungarian style". Jaime Martin also suggests playing nonstop between movements. The sound should imitate the violin harmonics.
IX. Allegretto - X. L'istesso tempo: Professor Martin gives tempo indications and he plays both pieces to show it. Next movement also should be played directly "in attacca". Professor Martin also makes comments on character, sound, and how to play the last note to get into the following movement in the right way.
XI. Assai moderato: For this piece, Professor Martin gives some indications about tempo, phrasing and breathing between phrases, making it simpler.
XII. Allegro: The Professor indicates how to play this movement by playing it, and gives a brief comment on tempo.
XV. Allegro: Short remark about the fingering in a fast passage of this last piece.