What is a classic? The answer is simple and complicated at the same time. The 'consecration' of a classic results from the sustainability and value of a personality or a work independent of the time and their fashions. In this respect, we are dealing with a double classic in this Emilia Galotti production. Lessing's Standestaats-Intrige is a vice-murderer of the opposite order, a timeless parable about the hopelessness of love in the destructive machinery of politics and the cabal against the background of social inequality.
Andrea Breth's staging art also goes far beyond the sometimes frantic search for new, often adaptive forms of a theatrical enterprise, which seeks to assert itself in the war for attention in our information society. Breth, on the other hand, takes her time and gives it to her audience - for a 'time out' of minutes and hours outside the time and space of that everyday reality that occasionally threatens to take our breath away. Andrea Breth staged her inner fury on stage with a steady hand, guided by an astute analysis and a sensibility that escalates to the edge of the living. This makes their work explosive and comprehensible beyond the day, even if the encounter with them can mean work for the audience.