38 items found
Saint John String Quartet
Saito Kinen Festival Dancers
Salzburg Marionette Theatre
San Carlo Theatre Ballet School
Sandra Crouch and Friends
Sasha Waltz and Guests
Schoenberg Ensemble
Schola Gregoriana Pragensis
Scott Cossu Trio
Shelly Manne & His Men
Shepp, Archie
Shirelles, The
Silesian Chamber Soloists
Simon Bolivar Big Band
Skills Ensemble
Skye Consort
Small Faces
Smiths, The
Sofia National Opera Ballet
Soldan, Christoph
Solisti Veneti, I, members
South West German Radio Experimental Studio
Specials, The
Spencer Davis Group, The
St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theatre Ballet
Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin
Stanley Jordan Trio
Steps Ahead
Strokes, The
Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra
Stylistics, The
Sun Ra Arkestra, The
Sun Ra Solar Arkestra
Synergy Vocals